Whether it is 4 Storied Building,6 Storied Building, 10 Storied Building or 20 Storied Building, Care Home Painting Service has bring complete Exterior home painting solution and process of getting your Exterior home painting completely hassle free. We take all our work very seriously and delivered both speed and quality. We paint the following in interior house painting.
· Exterior Walls
· Exterior Windows
· Interior Windows
· Exterior Windows Grills
· Main Gate
· Passage
· Outside Boundary
· Inside Boundary
· Comman Area
· Staff Rooms
Procedure We Follow For Standard Exterior Home Painting
Here is a list of steps we perform while doing standard Exterior home painting:
1. Proper Masking Of Window, Lights, etc.
2. Wall Sanding
3. Damp Treatment
4. Wall Repairing
5. First Coat Primer
6. 2 Coat Putty Golla (As based on Serace)
7. Wall Sanding
8. 2 Coat Exterior Primer (As based on Serace)
9. 2 - 3 Coat Exterior Paints (As based on Serace)
10. Masking Removal, Touch up Paints And Cleaning